Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Pixi Glow Tonic & Flawless Beauty Primer ~ First Impressions & Review

There is one thing certain in my life, Caroline Hirons ~ Her Amazing Blog ~ is bad for my bank account! But hey at least the stuff she recommends works. I decided after reading her 20% off Pixi Beauty post i'd finally purchase the Pixi Glow Tonic, and when i wasn't looking someone sneaked the flawless beauty primer into my basket =P jokes! At the time delivery was also free. I'm glad i ordered when i did it didn't take long for the glow tonic to go out of stock and currently it still is. So i feel very blessed i got my hands on one.
I ordered mine from here ~ PixiBeautyUK

Swatch of the flawless beauty primer ~ Sheer peachy nude.

After only 3 days of using the Glow Tonic morning and night i noticed a big difference in the texture of my skin and it has also helped with redness that i had around my nose. It's a pleasure to use knowing it will improve my skin it does have a strong scent but not in an irritating way. I'm already a big fan and i'll be sure to update you after using it consistently for the next month.

I've only used the flawless primer once it's described on the website as 'Even, flawless skin tone is the sign of youthful healthy skin. Sometimes we need a little help with the glow from within. This primer is the perfect solution; the formula is loaded with skin loving ingredients. Formula contains powerful anti-aging and skin fortifying benefits. Formula suitable for all skin types.'

Beneficial Ingredients and what they do:
  • Pearl extract for revitalization, protection and anti-aging
  • Truffle extract is a luxury additive rich in amino acids and minerals to tone and hydrate
  • Vitamin E increases skin elasticity.
  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant
  • Vitamin C has revitalizing and nourishing benefits.
It has the most beautiful peachy sheen and my skin looked luminous after i applied my foundation. I hope this has been some help to you, it's sometimes hard ordering items when you've never seen them for yourself it feels like bit of a gamble. I'm very happy with what i ordered and know i'll use them to death.

 love you loads xx



  1. The glow of that primer is just gorgeous! And the fact that it improves your skin as well.. I need to check that out. Great review.

  2. beautiful color, loving it, great review :)

    1. Just had a look at your blog. Your beautiful =) Thanks for commenting x
