Thursday, 12 September 2013

Advice for those with plans or dreams that seem distant.

Where to begin??

On my first makeup job i was worried about not having a big kit and alot of brushes, were my skills good enough? Thankfully i pushed those thoughts aside and got on with the job. Now i've gained so much more knowledge, my confidence has grown my kit has grown so much i can't take it all with me now without back problems lol and i've met some of the funniest, craziest & beyond talented people in the NI fashion industry and unless God tells me to give it up i won't be!

So push fear aside and take that first step.

I haven't got this far on my own. Everyone around me has helped and i wouldn't be doing what i'm doing without them. Also do not be afraid to ask if you don't ask you'll never get!! Plain and simple!

Feeling blessed and very thankful

God Bless you

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