Friday, 11 October 2013

(Beauty Tips) Fixing Dried out Mascara.

Hi everyone
When it comes to mascara are you a wet or dry formula fan? Ok that sounds a bit odd haha 
Well i've always went for more wet formulas infact i LOVE it when my mascara starts drying out and it gets to that perfect stage where i don't have to worry about making a mess. It has a good wet/thickness ratio lol 

Well i'm already sure you've heard and know this tip. But i thought i'd remind you all how to hold onto your mascara a bit longer when it's going over to the dark side. 

Just pop your dried out mascara into a mug of hot water and leave for a couple of minutes.

And there you have it! Your dried out mascara has been transformed, yippie!!!

If you have any beauty tips i'd love to hear them =) I hope this helped. 

Thanks for reading 
 God Bless you

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