Wednesday 29 January 2014

HARD ❤ CANDY ~ Fox in a BOX

Thought i would share my excitement for these two blushes i've just been loving lately. Like many of you i love watching tutorials on you tube and one of my favourite channels to watch is Shaaanxo. If you don't know of her definitely go check her out she's very sweet and alot of fun to watch. One of her recent videos was "My Top 5 Must Have Blushes" and she mentioned Hard Candy Fox in a Box was so good she ordered them from America (She lives in New Zealand) meaning she is willing to pay a good amount more than they are sold in drugstore. Which made me think they must be good to go to the effort of shipping and paying more just to get them. That was enough for me to go hunting for them =) i found mine on Amazon for £6.99 each but i noticed Ebay selling them for £4.99 ~ Hard Candy - Fox in a Box.

I shamefully ordered the Spicy & Sweet shade yesterday. I say shamefully because i'm on a spending ban! As you know makeup addicts always find some crazy excuse to buy more. Mine was what if everybody realises how amazing these blushes are and they sell out! Yes i'm pathetic lol

If you've tried these i'd love to hear your thoughts, it's always nice hearing another opinion =)

Sonya xo


  1. I've heard so much rave about those Hard Candy blushes! I probably wouldn't go out of my way and order them from the US to Australia at the inflated price, but they do seem to be really worth the price!

    ♥ M&L
    <a href="”>t w o p l i c a t e s</a>

  2. I recently bought a third one *looks gulity* lol They are worth it if you can find them cheap thanks for commenting =) xx
